To clear my head during the day I’ve been retreating to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Thursday are FREE!) and at night to deal with the insomnia I’ve been recapping a childhood show of mine, Sailor Moon.
Bout a month ago I got to the metaseries of the Sailor Moon saga where the Sailor Scouts faced a new enemy, the Dead Moon Circus. The graphic abstract blocky lascivious whilsical quirky fanatasy domain and characters who are pretty sweethears which move back & forth from deadly narcissistic, troubled and fraught. Funny funny and then sad.
Between the museum in the day & Sailor Moon at night, flashes of images began to appear. A perfect mix of what in an earlier post I confusingly searched to put into words the confusing & annoying picking at my brain state I found myself during my last few months of my senior year in college. Of which I began to become bored with my drawing style and things not remotely looking like how I saw them in my head & looking like WTF on paper. The mix of what I refer to as “The Random” & “The Real”.
(Sorry I just realize I just started confusingly rambling again)
New Illustrations coming soon!