Monday, February 28, 2011

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I just needed time alone with my own thoughts

Creative Block sucks Donkey Balls!!!!!! FOR REAL

To clear my head during the day I’ve been retreating to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (Thursday are FREE!) and at night to deal with the insomnia I’ve been recapping a childhood show of mine, Sailor Moon.

Bout a month ago I got to the metaseries of the Sailor Moon saga where the Sailor Scouts faced a new enemy, the Dead Moon Circus. The graphic abstract blocky lascivious whilsical quirky fanatasy domain and characters who are pretty sweethears which move back & forth from deadly narcissistic, troubled and fraught. Funny funny and then sad.

Between the museum in the day & Sailor Moon at night, flashes of images began to appear. A perfect mix of what in an earlier post I confusingly searched to put into words the confusing & annoying picking at my brain state I found myself during my last few months of my senior year in college. Of which I began to become bored with my drawing style and things not remotely looking like how I saw them in my head & looking like WTF on paper. The mix of what I refer to as “The Random” & “The Real”.

(Sorry I just realize I just started confusingly rambling again)

New Illustrations coming soon!